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Altona seagrass

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Altona seagrass Empty Altona seagrass

Post by Chris Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:04 pm

Does anyone know when the removal of the seagrass at Altona beach is scheduled to begin? There was an article published in the Star in July about how they will do this :

but I haven't seen a start date. Anyone out there with any info on this topic????



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Join date : 2010-12-21

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Altona seagrass Empty Re: Altona seagrass

Post by Anthony Ang Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:18 pm

I know of an Altona resident whose husband is a bioscientist who has strong interests in seagrass. She told me seagrass is different from the seaweed that is polluting our environment and will ask her husband to pass me some information on this. She was perturbed that many people had confused the two and seagrass has taken on a bad reputation for which it does not deserve.

Anthony Ang

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Join date : 2010-12-16

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Altona seagrass Empty Re: Altona seagrass

Post by Chris Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:53 pm

Thanks for the clarification. I am aware of the distinction but was under the naive impression that the rotting seagrass was causing the smell! Thanks in advance for any information regarding the removal of seaweed from you bioscientist "aqua"intance (acquantaince!)
Thanks also for your enormous effort in founding and maintaining the Altona blog spot. Being a new Altona resident myself its great to read about local issues written by real locals!


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Join date : 2010-12-21

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Altona seagrass Empty Seaweed removal

Post by Yorgo Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:22 pm

Seagrass or seaweed removal is done by the Council. If you need to know what the Council has planned the best way of finding out is to ask The Councillor for Altona and Seaholme. Contact Tony Briffa and he will no doubt give you the information you require. He represents us and is very helpful.

George 3018


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Altona seagrass Empty Re: Altona seagrass

Post by Brian Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:29 pm

Anthony Ang wrote:I know of an Altona resident whose husband is a bioscientist who has strong interests in seagrass. She told me seagrass is different from the seaweed that is polluting our environment and will ask her husband to pass me some information on this. She was perturbed that many people had confused the two and seagrass has taken on a bad reputation for which it does not deserve.
Polluting our environment?
As I understand it it is a natural phenomenon and describing it as a pollutant is doing it an injustice.
Now the dog shit that is left on the beach and path is a real pollutant.
As for removal of the sea weed, I did read that on one of the main beaches in England where washed up sea weed was a problem, after spending thousands of pounds in removal costs they found that ploughing in the weed was far cheaper and had the very great added benefit of enhancing the the quality of the beach.


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Join date : 2011-07-08

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