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Altona U3A Inc.

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Altona U3A Inc. Empty Altona U3A Inc.

Post by Yorgo Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:55 pm

For those of mature age that want to have contact with others in Altona, and surrounding areas, there is Altona University of the Third Age.

Established in June 2006, the Altona U3A Inc is affiliated to the U3A Network Victoria.
Its statement of purpose is…..
To promote lifelong learning and social interaction amongst our members in a healthy and active retirement.
To maintain and develop our skills while ensuring an affordable, safe and stress free environment.
To share our knowledge and skills with each other in an equal and voluntary capacity.

For further information and to make contact go to



Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-12-17
Age : 91
Location : Seaholme

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