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Changes in Werribee & Williamstown Lines

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Changes in Werribee & Williamstown Lines Empty Changes in Werribee & Williamstown Lines

Post by Anthony Ang Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:04 pm

From The Age, New timetable may anger some city train users

MELBOURNE commuters can expect a more reliable service but fewer trains through the City Loop under a shake-up of train timetables — to be phased in from May by the Baillieu government....

Under the changes, three lines — Frankston, Werribee and Williamstown — will begin "cross-city running" at off-peak times, meaning they will run from Melbourne's southern suburbs to the west, instead of terminating in the city......

But it will also mean hundreds of services each week will no longer run through the City Loop, and there will be fewer express trains on some lines at off-peak times.

Anthony Ang

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-12-16

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Changes in Werribee & Williamstown Lines Empty Re: Changes in Werribee & Williamstown Lines

Post by Alexander Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:40 pm

This is an absolute disgrace. I hope that our political represenatives will be opposing this. Victoria's previous Liberal govt (under Jeff Kennett) tried to close down the Williamstown line and the Altona loop. Looks like they are at it again..


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Join date : 2010-12-17

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Changes in Werribee & Williamstown Lines Empty Re: Changes in Werribee & Williamstown Lines

Post by Anthony Ang Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:29 pm

An update from The Age today: 'Confusing' timetable will cut services to west

METRO'S radical new timetable for Melbourne's rail network will confuse many commuters and halve off-peak services to some western suburbs, the Public Transport Users Association says....

Under the changes, some Frankston, Werribee and Williamstown line services will no longer terminate in the city. Instead, they will become ''cross-city'' services, running from the southern suburbs though to the western suburbs, passing through Flinders Street and Southern Cross stations along the way, but not the loop.

The cross-city services will run at off-peak times and during some peak hours.

Among other changes:

■ Off-peak services on the Werribee line will be halved and no longer run through the loop. They will terminate in Frankston.

■ The number of trains running via Altona in peak times will be cut to every 22 minutes. During off-peak times, Altona passengers will have to change trains at Newport.

■ Trains from Williamstown will run less frequently - every 22 minutes. But passengers will no longer need to change at Newport.

Anthony Ang

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-12-16

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