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Passion Fruit

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Passion Fruit Empty Passion Fruit

Post by Yorgo Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:25 am

The easiest climber to grow is Passion Fruit. I planted it last year and now have tons of flowers that will in turn become fruit. It has nice looks, climbs unaided and covers areas that may be unsightly. The flower is a marvel.

Passion Fruit OurGardenI recommend it for those that want quick results.
George 3018


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Join date : 2010-12-17
Age : 91
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Passion Fruit Empty Re: Passion Fruit

Post by Anthony Ang Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:02 am

Only last week, my wife was asking me what is the passion fruit in the Coles supermarket. I told her I don't know but I suspect it may be bitter. She said how could passion be bitter, it must be sweet. I replied that this is what love is - it is at times sweet and at times bitter. I actually made all these up as I don't know anything about passion fruit Rolling Eyes

Anthony Ang

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Passion Fruit Empty Re: Passion Fruit

Post by JakeInAltona Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:31 am


I have had to plant 3 passionfruit - just to try and get some for myself, as my wife and son are both total addicts to them.

George - My small seedlings get savaged by bugs ---Pass #2 took a whole year to get started. Any thoughts on how to stop them getting so badly eaten when so young? I'm loathe to spray them with anything too toxic.

And Anthony, your wife is welcome to try one off the vine once ours ripen. Always much nicer than bought from shops. The flavour is a tangy, sweet citrus with sour notes... Very nice. You eat the flesh coloured seed, but suck them rather than chewing. Shop ones are often fine, but expensive for something you can grow yourself, and sometimes can be a bit over done. The australian softdrink Passiona is based on them.. but tastes nothing like them Smile


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Join date : 2010-12-18

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Passion Fruit Empty Re: Passion Fruit

Post by Yorgo Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:32 am

Hi JakeInAltona

I do not have a bug problem attacking our Passion Fruit. However if I did have I would use Dipel. It is organic and safe to use. Check the label of Dipel. If you are satisfied it is safe you might like to try it.
Our passion fruit grew so quickly the bugs did not have time to attack it. Sometimes the soil is not adequate and bugs take advantage.



Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-12-17
Age : 91
Location : Seaholme

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